Wednesday, April 3, 2013

EOI: Companies interested in developing a waste-to-energy plan in Barbados

The Government of Barbados is soliciting expressions of interest from companies interested in developing a waste-to-energy plant in Barbados. The three elements to the project include: Landfill Gas to Energy, Solar PV and Wind. Those seeking to express their interest should be able to demonstrate their ability to implement a 3-5MW project.

For more information:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ecology revises rules for managing organic waste

Organic wasteOLYMPIA - The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) has revised rules for managing organic wastes - also known as "green waste."
Changes to the rules affect methods for transforming organic material into useable or marketable materials.
Green waste makes up 27 percent of the solid waste put into landfills, according to Ecology officials. Disposal of green waste causes more methane and liquid waste at the landfills. Methane is a greenhouse gas emission and is considered a hazardous substance.