A public inquiry into the planned 200,000 tonne 'EnviRecover' waste to energy facility that will treat residual waste in Worcestershire is due to commence.
Worcestershire County Council approved plans for Mercia Waste Management's facility near Hartlebury in March. However, the site is on green belt land and was called in by the secretary of state for communities and local government, Eric Pickles to be the subject of a public inquiry.
According to the company its proposed plant is of an appropriate size to treat all the residual collected in Worcestershire and Herefordshire, and will generate around 15.5 MW of electricity.
The facility will also have the potential to supply heat to local businesses and the company said that the 40,000 tonnes of ash that it expects the plant to produce each year will be reprocessed for use as an aggregate.
For the purposes of the inquiry, the company has supplemented its original Environmental Statement with an assessment of the likely significant environmental effects of a heat off-take connection, as well as an update on potential effects of the scheme on Great Crested Newts.
Read more : http://www.waste-management-world.com/index/display/article-display/4835796478/articles/waste-management-world/waste-to-energy/2011/11/Waste_to_Energy_Inquiry_in_Worcestershire.html
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